Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hoping for the Best

It's now Day 3 of the hubby being in the hospital. After suffering with a fever for over 2 weeks, and the antibiotic not making him better, his doctor suspected meningitis and admitted him to the hospital. Thankfully, meningitis was eliminated without having to the a spinal tap.

Pneumonia has also been eliminated. After a CT scan which only showed acute sinusitis, and a clear x-ray, the Infections Disease doctor said he could be battling both a viral and bacterial infection (or more than 1 of each). The doctor is thinking this could be epstein barr, but this cannot be confirmed as of yet because most of the cultures that were taken would not be back until a week from now.

The neurologist has his guesses on what this could be, but again, there will not be any confirmation until a week from now.

The good news is that he will be released tonight, but on orders to rest and not go back to work for another week.

The little man was out of sorts since Friday and on Sunday, he had a fever of 104.2 which warranted him a tepid bath. On Monday he complained of his ear, but I didn't think anything of it. Yesterday I took him to the doctor and it turned out that he has an ear infection. He has also been out of sorts since his Daddy didn't come home on Monday. But all was made right when we visited Daddy yesterday. All he needed was some Daddy time.

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